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Red Buck Project 001 & 002
41.32 Acres
Unpatented Lode Claims
Tincup Mining District
Gunnison County, Colorado
CO# 106326681
CO# 106326679

Price:  6,500 USD
Primary Metal
Gold & Silver

Secondary Metals
Lead, Copper, Iron


Buy the Red Buck Project 001 & 002 Unpatented Lode Claims for 6,500 USD outright.




Option (1)

Finance in house with a down payment of 2,600 USD and a monthly payment of 179.88 USD for 24 months.  

Option (2) No Interest!

Finance in house with a down payment of 3,250 USD and a monthly payment of 541.66 for 6 months.

Average Claim Ore Grade

0.03 Ounces Per Ton Gold

1.96 Ounces Per Ton Silver

Highest Assay Value

0.09 Ounces Per Ton Gold

6.72 Ounces Per Ton Silver

Claim Features

36 Gold & Silver Assay Tests Completed

Precision Surveyed

Easy Gated Access


Located in the Gunnison National Forest within the Tincup Mining District. The Red Buck Project 001 & 002 Lode Claims are located over an old miners head frame with mine shaft that in its heyday was 100 feet deep.  Add in numerous hand dug pits and trenches throughout the claim plus high quality quartz mineralized vein structures striking N/NE thru the claim.

A well timbered mine shaft was sunk directly on the major red buck vein systems.  This area was a past producer of gold, silver, iron, and small amounts of copper.  Assays for these claims were promising as the sample material used for assay was taken from the float around the old workings and the waste rock piles. 


It is estimated that ore grades will be much higher within the old mine shaft.  Although, the silver and gold was very consistent on the surface waste piles.  These piles were in fact waste materials the old time miners left behind in search of better ore in the mine shaft.

There is a small tailings pile of approximately 50 tons of material adjacent to the main shaft workings. A  high grade ore shoot stemming from the head frame that leads to an old high grade pile that also is present next to the shaft house.  The claim has been properly assayed with 36 gold and silver fire assays being performed on the claims old workings.  


Assay results yielded a high of 0.09 ounces per ton gold and high of 6.72 ounces per ton silver.  With the overall averages yielding 0.03 ounces per ton gold and 1.96 ounces per ton silver. 


Large amounts of quartz fragments and mineralized vein systems can be found on this claim.


Dispersed camping is not allowed on the claim.  There are numerous dispersed camping sites located within a 4 mile radius of the claim that are perfect for setting up a large base camp with numerous fifth wheel trailers.  Camping may be permitted under a Plan Of Operations permit (POO) if the scale of the mining operations warrants continuous occupancy of the claim and if approved as part of your mining plan that is in direct support of your mining operation.


The turn off to the claim is located off of the main Forest Service RD (Cumberland Pass RD) equal distance between the Taylor Trading Post and the town of Tincup Colorado.  From the turnoff the claim is located approximately 1.5 miles.  


The Red Buck Project claims are located within a region known for quality gold bearing geology.  Mining efforts in this area took place from 1890 to the early 1940's.  The gold bearing vein structures found on the claim consist of quartz dominated reefs that contain free mill gold, galena, and a highly oxidized sulfide based ore body.  The head frame is fairly well preserved for sitting out in the extreme elements of the Tincup area for almost 80 years.  Department of Reclamation grated the main shaft in 2017 due to the depth of the shaft.  This can be re-opened with a NOI or POO permit if needed.  












Felsic and hornblendic gneisses, both separately or interlayered


Metamorphic Rock > Schist

Stratigraphic age (youngest)


Ore is in ferruginous quartz veins

Main production years

1935, 1946

Au value in 1935, 1946 of 10-50 USD per ton in 1946 gold prices


Assay Results

Claim Map




























Satellite Claim Boundary Overlay














Recommended Mining Methods

Surface & Underground Hard Rock Mining

What Is Included In The Purchase

  1. Quit Claim Deed

  2. Google Earth Map

  3. Waterproof 24X36 hardcopy 1:24,000 Map

  4. Corner & Discovery Point GPS Coordinates

  5. 2 Hours of Free Complimentary Consulting

  6. Certificate of Location Copy


Prospecting Disclaimer

The Red Buck Project 001 & 002 Unpatented Lode Claims CO# 106326681 & 106326679 are Unpatented Federal Mining Claims.  Any form of mining or prospecting is barred without prior approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company.  This website listing does not constitute or convey approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company to mine or prospect the claim in any capacity.  Mineral theft is a Federal offense and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as listed in the 1872 Federal Mining Laws.

Next Steps

  • Contact Me

  • Setup A Prospecting Day if you would like to test the claim before purchase (Optional)

  • Buy Outright or Finance In House


Contact Information


Tyler Long

Lead Prospector

Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company

Direct Line:  970-901-9043 

RBP Assay Result v.1 P.1.png
Lab Results RBP LODE_.png
Lab Results RBP2.png

Claim Maps

Red Buck Project 001 Lode Claim Map.png
Red Buck Project 002 Lode Claim Map.png

Satellite Claim Boundary Overlay

Red Buck Project 001_002 Sat Overlay.png
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