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Lincoln Alluvial 004
20.00 Acres
Unpatented Placer Claim
WY # 106695243
Brush Creek - Mullison Park Mining District
Carbon County, Wyoming

Price: 2,500 USD



Buy the Lincoln Alluvial 004 Unpatented Placer Claim for 2,500 USD outright.

Financing Not Available On This Claim

Primary Metal

Flake & Fines

Claim Features

Large Amounts Of Alluvial Gravels

Large Sweeping Corner

Consistent Gold Bearing Bench Material

Located in the scenic Brush Creek drainage a few miles from Ryan Park the Lincoln Alluvial 004 Placer claim is located over the past gold producing Lincoln Creek.
With steep banks and a consistently flowing stream this claim is ideal for a small one or two person mining operation.
Featuring a stream length of 1,071 feet flowing thru the claim boundaries, this claim has a mix of straight flowing stream course, numerous turns, back eddy's, high inside benches, exposed bedrock, and old time miner workings.
Gold present onsite that I found has been in the form of fine to flake gold.  Nuggets were documented to be recovered on this creek, however I personally did not find any during the course of exploration work.
The best gold was located near the bedrock contact where the bedrock was shallow, especially on the large sweeping corner.  Additionally, the dry benches, especially on the inside curve were highly consolidated and the alluvial material was in readable and predictable paystreaks visible from looking at the bank.
Both native gold and platinum historically have been reported in the vicinity.  Gravel beds lie on a solid bedrock contact, with the thickness of the gravel beds estimated and historically recorded at 5 to 20 feet in the area.  Most gold found near surface was fine to flour gold in size.  The largest historically recorded nugget found was 3.4 ounces with most being a few pennyweights.
Historically the average gravel beds produced 0.025 ounces per cubic yard and it is also reported that some gravels run as high as 0.097 ounces of gold per cubic yard.
Total historic production for the district is estimated at more that 11,000 ounces of gold.
Mineralization is dominated by northwestern striking shear zones that show enrichment in silica and potash.  This would indicate late stage granitic fluids were the likely source of the ore deposits.
These deposits contain a copper/gold mineralization and were accompanied by silica, epidote, and iron sulfide oxidation.  The ore minerals consisted of chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite, and native gold.  Oxidation zone ore minerals include malachite, azurite, cuprite, native copper and gold.
Dispersed Camping is not allowed on this claim.  There are numerous alternative dispersed camping areas within a one mile radius of this claim that are much more camping friendly.
Additionally, the Lincoln Creek Campground which features vault toilets, a communal water pump, and gravel camping sites with fire rings are located about 2 miles from the claim.
Claim Map
Satellite Claim Boundary Overlay
 Fifth wheel camper trailers and 2WD vehicles can be easily driven to the dispersed camping area located approximately 1.5 miles from the claim.  Off the Southwest corner of the claim there is a parking spur road that has 2WD access.  This would be a great place to park to access the claim.

Recommended Gold Recovery Methods

High Banking, Metal Detecting, Crevicing 

Land Ownership Status

Forest Service


The area was prospected in the late 1800's after the discovery of large gold flakes and some small thumb nail sized nuggets.  The creek was named after a prospector named Mullison who originally prospected the area.  Additionally, in 1870 some ute indians described to Mullison several ancient prospects in the area.  Mullison described these diggings as old workings potentially dug by the spanish.  Additional workings in the 1800's were linked to some of the 49ers on their way to the california gold rush.

What Is Included In The Purchase

  1. Quit Claim Deed

  2. Google Earth Map

  3. Waterproof 24X36 hardcopy 1:24,000 Map

  4. Corner & Discovery Point GPS Coordinates

  5. 2 Hours of Free Complimentary Consulting

  6. Certificate of Location Copy


Prospecting Disclaimer

The Lincoln Alluvial 004 Unpatented Placer Claim WY# 106695243 is an Unpatented Federal Mining Claim.  Any form of mining or prospecting is barred without prior approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company.  This website listing does not constitute or convey approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company to mine or prospect the claim in any capacity.  Mineral theft is a Federal offense and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as listed in the 1872 Federal Mining Laws. 

Next Steps

  • Contact Me

  • Setup A Prospecting Day if you would like to test the claim before purchase (Optional)

  • Buy Outright or Finance In House

Contact Information


Tyler Long

Lead Prospector

Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company

Direct Line:  970-901-9043 

Copies Of Original Placer Claim Location Certificate

Lincoln Alluvial 004 Sat Map Overlay.png
Lincoln Alluvial 004 Placer Map.png
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