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Klondike Hollow Project 001 
20.66 Acres
Unpatented Lode Claim
Bonanza Mining District
Saguache County, Colorado
CO# 105829450

Price:  12,500 USD
Primary Metal
Silver & Gold

Secondary Metals
Lead, Copper, Iron


Buy the Klondike Hollow Project 001 Unpatented Lode Claim for 12,500 USD outright.




Option (1)

Finance in house with a down payment of 5,000 USD and a monthly payment of 345.22 USD for 24 months.  

Option (2)

Finance in house with a down payment of 3,125 USD and a monthly payment of 213.07 USD for 60 months.

Average Claim Ore Grade

0.212 Ounces Per Ton Gold

0.232 Ounces Per Ton Silver

Highest Assay Gold Value

0.331 Ounces Per ton Gold

Or 645 USD @ 1,950 USD Per Ounce/Au/PT

Claim Features

Exploration Ore Sample Panel Completed

Precision Surveyed

Easy Access With Historic Workings


Located in the Rio Grande National Forest the Klondike Hollow Project 001 Unpatented Placer Claim is 20.66 acres of easily accessible yet remote mining claim.  


Featuring two shaft mines and 3 large dozer trench cuts cut into the surrounding hillsides in search of the main vein structures.  The mine produced mainly silver with secondary metals of gold, lead, copper, and iron.  The dozer cut trenches are the deepest I have seen thus far with a depth of 20-25' in the deepest spots.  As such the materials cut out of the trenches and brought up from the shaft mines has left large piles of dirt/ore scattered across the claim. 


Camping is allowed on the claim for up to 14 days continuous. Good cell phone reception is .25 miles away from the claim on a very large and open saddle.


Access to the claim is via highway 114 and then a dirt Forest Service Road system.  The dirt roads are 2WD passable with standard pickup truck/suv ground clearance levels.  You can drive directly into the claim without issues.

With no thru access the claim has minimal traffic and has largely been sheltered for years by the high elevation, short mining season, and lack of continuous loop road infrastructure.


The Ford Creek/Bonita Hill area was primarily developed for its lode gold and silver sources. With no evidence of large scale placer mining on the claim it's safe to assume that the creek has never been worked on a large scale and probably only intermittently with hand fed sluice box and gold pans.  The lode mines are extensive with numerous adits, shafts, and trenches dug and developed upstream and on all side of this placer claim.  

The lode mines were so rich that a small prospectors tent/cabin boom town sprung up close to this placer claim called Spook Hollow, old remnants of the town are still visible to this day.


Pre-ash flow andesitic lavas, breccias, tuffs, and conglomerates


Assay Results

Please Note:

The Ore Sample Identification For the Klondike Hollow Project 001 Lode Claim is KHP1



Claim Map




























Satellite Claim Boundary Overlay














Recommended Mining Methods

Surface & Underground Hard Rock Mining

What Is Included In The Purchase

  1. Quit Claim Deed

  2. Google Earth Map

  3. Waterproof 24X36 hardcopy 1:24,000 Map

  4. Corner & Discovery Point GPS Coordinates

  5. 2 Hours of Free Complimentary Consulting

  6. Certificate of Location Copy


Prospecting Disclaimer

The Klondike Hollow Project 001 Unpatented Lode Claim CO# 105829450 is an Unpatented Federal Mining Claim.  Any form of mining or prospecting is barred without prior approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company.  This website listing does not constitute or convey approval from Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company to mine or prospect the claim in any capacity.  Mineral theft is a Federal offense and is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law as listed in the 1872 Federal Mining Laws.

Next Steps

  • Contact Me

  • Setup A Prospecting Day if you would like to test the claim before purchase (Optional)

  • Buy Outright or Finance In House


Contact Information


Tyler Long

Lead Prospector

Gunnison Gold Prospecting Company

Direct Line:  970-901-9043 

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